Your donation is vital to ensuring our community center is equipped and staffed to provide those we serve. Contributions provide members of the community with access to services and programs available at our center.
Patrocinador Level
4 tickets to Signature Event “Noche de Mole”
Signage Opportunity at special events
Recognition on Social Media, Website, Quarterly Newsletter and Membership Poster
Receive the tax benefits of donating to a 501c3; Federal Tax ID #33-0257031
Madrina | Padrino Level
2 tickets to Signature Event “Noche de Mole”
Recognition on Social Media, Website, Quarterly Newsletter and Membership Poster
Receive the tax benefits of donating to a 501c3; Federal Tax ID #33-0257031
Amiga|o Level
10% Discount on one Event/Meeting Space Rental
Recognition on Social Media, Website, Quarterly Newsletter and Membership Poster
Receive the tax benefits of donating to a 501c3; Federal Tax ID #33-0257031
Compañera|o Level
5% Discount on one Event/Meeting Space Rental
Receive the tax benefits of donating to a 501c3; Federal Tax ID #33-0257031